Having decided on the independent construction of a fountain on your site, you need to think about its long service life and uninterrupted operation. To do this, you need to carefully consider the choice of a suitable pump. The size of the fountain depends on the free area, and its location will be determined by the presence of a connection to the mains, from which the pump is operated. In order to build a small fountain, a large plastic container is used as a bowl, which has a different shape and provides reliable waterproofing. When erecting a fountain of a more decent size, it is necessary to dig a hole, at the bottom of which they create a foundation for a future structure. Then they fall asleep with a small layer of sand and strengthen the side walls at the resulting recess with a brick. Unlike the construction of a fountain, the installation of gas meters must be carried out by specialists.
When I create a foundation, be sure to take into account that the level of deepening of the base should be located below the level of plant soil, and there should also be no possibility of washing away the soil near the fountain bowl.
The side surfaces and the bottom of the fountain bowl are covered with a special film that will firmly retain water in the tank. Also, with the help of plastic profiles, it is possible to obtain sealing of the internal surfaces of the bowl.