At dusk, all clear outlines of objects are lost and all colors fade, and then numerous street lighting lamps light up. Garden and park street lighting involves the following functions:
Garden plot decor;
It is the main element of the engineering system. What makes it necessary to divide the design of landscape gardening lighting into several areas.
The interconnected work of architects and electricians during the design of outdoor lighting
It is the electrical engineer who is responsible for solving the technical problems of calculating the depth and line of laying the cable, the cross-sectional area of \u200b\u200bthe cable, taking into account the absorbed power by street lighting fixtures, and creating diagrams for their connection to the power generator.
The architect, on the other hand, takes care of the level of aesthetics of the design of the garden plot and not violating the harmony when installing external lighting lamps, drainage and drainage systems. The architect pays special attention to the design solution of street lighting lamps. This is due to the fact that it is on them that the greatest emphasis will be placed, and a discrepancy with the general architectural design of the landscape gardening site can lead to disharmony of the entire garden design.
The most basic functions of street lighting
Street lighting, which is developed by the leading specialists of our company, is distinguished by the presence of two main functions:
Allows to facilitate the orientation of passers-by in space;
Provides harmonious decorative design of landscape gardening plots.
Street lighting – lanterns or lamps, used as security lighting and providing visibility of entrances, parking lots or public transport stops.