In fact, autumn and spring are considered the season of viral diseases, including colds. It’s all about the changeable and too wet weather outside just at these times of the year. But, despite this, quite often people catch a cold in the winter. Therefore, if you want winter to be remembered only by positive emotions and impressions, and there was no place for illness in it, you need to know how to take care of your health during this period of the year.
Autumn and winter are the time when the body is especially deficient in vitamins. And even if in the summer you gladly absorbed them in the winter, you still won’t get enough vitamins in your body. Therefore, in the fall, start taking vitamin complexes. So you can maintain your immunity and prevent it from weakening.
How not to catch a cold in winter
If you get sick quite often, it would be best to visit a therapist or immunologist. He will prescribe you the necessary tests, after which he will prescribe immunomodulators. They will help restore the protective properties in your body.
If you carefully monitor your figure and constantly diet, then in winter it is better to refuse it. Leave the diet for spring, when your body will not need as many calories as in winter. In the winter, try to consume more hot and meat dishes, as well as drink a hot hour with lemon.
If you are very cold on the way home, then the best solution would be to take a hot bath as soon as you come home. You can also add essential oils to it. In addition, you can do inhalation of the respiratory tract. It will help moisturize the mucous membrane and kill all germs. To do this, pour about a liter of water into the pan, then bring it to a boil, pour one tablespoon of soda and breathe over this pan.
How not to catch a cold in winter
Leave all the light, short things for the summer. In winter, you need to dress according to the weather, that is, warmly. Always wear a hat. Remember that if you blow out your ears, diseases such as tonsillitis, laryngitis, otitis media and so on await you. If your feet often freeze, then buy warm insoles for shoes or wear woolen socks. But remember that you should be warm, not hot. After all, if you overdo it with heat, your body temperature will begin to rise, which is just as bad if you take off your outerwear in a cool room.
If you still could not avoid a cold, then try to follow the regimen and be treated. No need to be sick, go on business, go for walks and so on. So you’re only hurting yourself more.