Sometimes we ruin our clothes so much that just washing them is not enough. Stains from fuel oil, blood, paint, grass are not so easy to remove, and even the most expensive washing powder can leave marks from such stains. In this article, we will look at how to clean clothes from paint stains.
You can get a paint stain on your clothes at any time: sit on a freshly painted bench, be careless during repairs or in the process of ordinary childish pranks that can lead to damaged clothes.
How to clean a paint stain
The most important rule when removing such stains is not to let the paint dry. If you start to remove the stain no later than 3 hours from the moment it was planted, then there is a high probability that there will be no traces of the stain. A fresh paint stain can be cleaned with laundry soap or laundry detergent.
The composition of the paint also plays a big role – gouache and watercolor can be washed off without difficulty, but it is not easy to clean oil paint from clothes. To clean clothes from oil paint, first you need to wipe the stain with a cotton pad moistened with acetone, kerosene or turpentine. Well clean the stain from oil paint refined gasoline. You can buy it at a hardware store, regular gasoline from a car tank will not work.
How to clean a paint stain
Choose a product depending on the fabric from which the clothes are made. So, for example, acetone cannot be used on synthetic and leather products, and ammonia can lead to a discoloration of the product. Clothes made of cashmere and wool are very difficult to clean from paint stains, neither alcohol, nor acetone, nor gasoline will help. Such things need to be cleaned of stains with sunflower oil: apply to the stain and remove the paint with a cotton swab. Therefore, carefully clean paint stains from clothing, taking into account the material from which it is made.
If the paint stain has already dried up and several days have passed, then it will be more difficult to remove it. First of all, remove the dried paint with a knife or razor. Then, gently wipe the stain with a cotton swab dipped in one of the above solvents. You need to get the paint to dissolve, so more than one cotton pad may be needed. At the end of cleaning, make a strong solution of baking soda and treat the place where the stain was cleaned.
Old paint stains will help to remove the following solution: mix 25% aqueous ammonia with ethyl alcohol, or in equal proportions gasoline, trichlorethylene and turpentine.
How to clean a paint stain
If you rely only on household chemicals, then such means as “Instant”, “Agidel”, “Sopal”, “Vitsi” will help to remove paint stains from clothes. These products are based on organic solvents and will help to quickly remove stains from clothes if they are fresh. Old stains of paint can be removed by means of “Paste 7”. Before using it, under the clothes where the stain is located, you need to put a cotton swab, and on top they are already smeared with the product. The agent must be kept for 40 minutes, after which it should be removed along with the already softened paint. Remaining paint stains must be removed with turpentine, washing vice or white spirit.
After you have cleaned the paint from the clothes, the item must be rinsed in warm water (separately from other things). Since the smell of solvents is very strong and sharp, the cleaned item must be dried on the balcony, that is, in the fresh air.
In case you were not able to clean the clothes from paint on your own, then try to take the thing to a dry cleaner, where professionals in their field will help make your thing clean and without traces of stains (but everything will depend on the material of the clothes and the freshness of the stain). If you notice that a paint stain has appeared on your clothes, immediately start cleaning it, do not wait for tomorrow, otherwise you can ruin the thing forever.