When a child enters adolescence, it changes a lot in the way of family life. A teenager’s room becomes a sovereign territory – with its own rules and its own idea of what can be considered beautiful and comfortable. Often things, books and gadgets piled up in a heap seem to the owner of the room in an ideal order in which he can easily find any little thing he needs. If, from the point of view of parents, this chaos is tried to be streamlined, this will cause a storm of indignation.
No need to be upset about the walls, randomly covered with posters, and furniture, painted by the owner of the room at his discretion, sometimes in a gloomy gothic style. When planning repairs throughout the house, it is worth making teenagers full participants in the discussion about how the interior is seen in each room, including in the teenage. It is unlikely that children at this age will be delighted with expensive wallpapers or strict classic furniture. Finishing materials for their rooms should first of all be environmentally friendly, and then you can take into account the aesthetic preferences of young people.
Paintable wallpaper is an ideal choice for a graffiti fan, as well as an opportunity for any self-expression: sticking posters or collages from your own photos. Ceilings can be made stretch, with an image close to the owner of the room – musical instruments, idols from the world of cinema, birds and flowers ..
As for the functionality of the premises, this question should not be left to the teenager. The room must have at least two zones – study and work and for relaxation. Ideally, if the size of the room also allows you to arrange a sports corner – for boys and a dressing table with a mirror – for young ladies.
There must be a computer or desk and ergonomic chair with adjustable seat height, back positions and armrests in the working area. You should not encourage the habit of lying on a bed or on a carpet with a laptop: neither the spine nor vision is beneficial for the benefit. It is also necessary to provide storage systems for training supplies, books, trifles, jewelry – it can be open or closed shelves, through racks, and a storyteller. The competent illumination of the student’s workplace is of particular importance.
In the recreation area, in addition to the bed, you can place a roomy wardrobe for an avalanche-like growing wardrobe-and this applies not only to girls. It is better to choose a bed with an orthopedic mattress, and bright facades of the cabinet can become an expressive element of the interior. The wardrobe, by the way, can be designed and made independently, this will help the program for compartment doors + woodworking skills, a firm hand and a good eye.
A place for sports can be found even with a shortage of space – it is enough to place a wall bars and a horizontal bar. The decision to place a TV in a room should be left to parents who are trying to somehow control the dominance of technology and information flows.