When a leak occurs, this is a disaster not only for the owners of this apartment, but for neighbors living below. And all this entails not a small cash investment in repairs. At a minimum, you can protect yourself from the need to make repairs at the neighbors by taking care of the waterproofing of your apartment in time. In order to do everything right, you need to know about the most vulnerable places in the apartment, as well as what materials are best to use. The problem of leaks is not only an aesthetic and material side, water also destroys finishing materials and ceilings from the inside. There is a high probability of the appearance of a fungus, which carries a whole bunch of all sorts of harmful things, and it is very difficult to remove it. Therefore, it is better to prevent the problem than to fix it later.
Waterproofing in essence is the work of processing with special compounds the areas of the apartment that are most exposed to moisture. If this work is done according to all the rules, it will protect you from:
Appearances of dampness
Mold appearances
The waterproofing material should be selected according to the area to be treated.
There are three types:
Roll-bitumen sheets.
Coating mixtures.
Blocking waterproofing.
So, what is the right way to do waterproofing?. So that you don’t waste the material in vain, and protect yourself from trouble:
Floor waterproofing
This is the most important moment in the whole work. Especially you can’t do without it if you live on the first floors and there is a basement under you. Then it will protect you from the ingress of moist air rising from it.
First, the old coating is removed from the surface.
Sealant work in progress.
floor drying.
A layer of waterproofing mixture is applied with a spatula.
After complete drying, another layer is applied and so several times.
Pouring cement screed.
Installing flooring.
Wall and ceiling waterproofing
Pre-cleaning step.
Application of waterproofing mortar.
Covering the wall with plaster.
Applying decor.
Balcony waterproofing
Lubricate all corners and joints of the ceiling and walls with a specialized mixture.
Lay bituminous roll sheets on the floor.
Make room decoration.
In order to completely protect yourself from unpleasant moments associated with leakage, it is better to have a hydraulic seal in your arsenal. In case of trouble, this composition will help you prevent disaster.